

The chemistry industry in New Jersey has shown remarkable progress in managing and reducing waste, as highlighted by the latest 2021 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) National Analysis report released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) earlier this month. The report shows a significant decrease in environmental releases of chemicals from facilities covered by the program, and a notable increase in waste management and recycling by member facilities

CCNJ members are continuously identifying source reduction opportunities to minimize waste and its impact on the environment. Our members create the science to produce the products that improve and sustain our quality life.  Our members are committed to reducing their environmental impact, while supporting a robust New Jersey economy.

Environment Related Position Papers

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  • September 29, 2017



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  • November 21, 2016


    On behalf of our members, the Chemistry Council of New Jersey (CCNJ) and Site Remediation Industry Network (SRIN) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to the Drinking Water Quality Institute (DWQI) pursuant to the Institute’s request for public input regarding the recently released subcommittee reports on Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA).

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  • February 9, 2016


    On behalf of the members of the Chemistry Council of New Jersey (CCNJ) and the Site Remediation Industry Network (SRIN), we appreciate the opportunity to provide comments to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) on the “Planning for and Response to Catastrophic Events at Contaminated Sites” (Catastrophic Events) Technical Guidance Document. 

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Environment Related Chemunique Posts

    Displaying results 121-130 (of 241)
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  • March 31, 2021

    How EHS&S Can Learn From COVID-19 To Prepare For The Next Disruptor

    Damage from a disrupter (such as a pandemic) is fast and unforgiving: It’s estimated that 90 percent of small businesses will fail if they are unable to reopen within five days, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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  • March 31, 2021

    DEP Issues NJPDES PFAS Survey

    On March 17, 2021, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) sent an electronic letter to certain New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) permittees requiring them to complete a survey within thirty (30) days of receipt as the “first step to investigate discharges of [Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances] PFAS that could potentially (1) cause impacts to surface water and/or (2) impact the management of biosolids”.

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  • February 26, 2021

    Chemistry Council of New Jersey Reaffirms Its Commitment to Sustainability With Updated Statement

    As more chemical companies reaffirm their commitment to finding the right chemistry to support a sustainable future, the Chemistry Council of New Jersey updated its sustainability statement, first published in 2015.

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  • February 26, 2021

    Total TRI Emissions For NJ Chemical Sector Down 94% Since 1988, Members Committed To Reducing Environmental Impact

    The Environmental Protection Agency released its 2019 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) National Analysis on January 13, 2021, which shows that EPA and companies that manage chemicals continue to make progress in preventing pollution. The report shows continued toxic chemical reductions in Region 2 and that between 2018 and 2019 total releases of TRI chemicals in New Jersey’s chemical sector decreased by 9 percent.

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  • February 26, 2021

    PFAS (Per And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) In The Chemical Industry: Environmental Management And Regulatory Developments

    On January 27, 2021, more than one hundred participants joined CCNJ and TRC for the virtual webinar “PFAS Compounds and the Toxics Release Inventory: New Reporting Obligations from the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020.” <div class="ms-editor-squiggler" style="color: initial; font: initial; font-feature-settings: initial; font-kerning: initial; font-optical-sizing: initial; font-variation-settings: initial; text-orientation: initial; text-rendering: initial; -webkit-font-smoothing: initial; -webkit-locale: initial; -webkit-text-orientation: initial; -webkit-writing-mode: initial; writing-mode: initial; zoom: initial; place-content: initial; place-items: initial; place-self: initial; alignment-baseline: initial; animation: initial; appearance: initial; aspect-ratio: initial; backdrop-filter: initial; backface-visibility: initial; background: initial; background-blend-mode: initial; baseline-shift: initial; block-size: initial; border-block: initial; border: initial; border-radius: initial; 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  • February 26, 2021

    DEP Issues Rule Modification To Extend Certain Site Remediation Timeframes

    As a follow-up to the 270-day extension, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) issued a Notice of Rule Waiver/Modification/Suspension on February 1, 2021 that further extended certain site remediation timeframes, along with a supplemental listserv on February 18, 2021.

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  • February 26, 2021

    PaintCare Paint Recycling Bill Gains New Life in the New Jersey Senate

    At recent meeting of the New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Committee, S-2679, which requires paint producers to implement or participate in a paint stewardship program, was posted for a hearing on January 21, 2021. Committee Chairman Bob Smith indicated that he is working on amendments to make the bill more acceptable to the Murphy Administration.

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  • January 29, 2021

    New Jersey’s Environmental Justice Law: A Potential Model For EJ National Focus

    New Jersey’s recently enacted Environmental Justice Law is being characterized as one of the broadest in the United States and is seen as a potential legal model for other states and the federal government.  The new law has gained the attention of President Joe Biden, who yesterday, by executive order, established the White House council on environmental justice. 

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  • January 29, 2021

    Update On NJDEP EJ Rulemaking Stakeholder Process

    As a part of their continued Environmental Justice (EJ) rulemaking efforts, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) held a follow-up stakeholder meeting on January 20, 2021 focused on geographic points of comparison and facility/permit definitions.

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  • January 29, 2021

    In January CCNJ Welcomed 3 New Members: 1 Regular and 2 Associate Members

    Last year was a record year for membership development for CCNJ with a total of 12 new member companies: 9 Regular and 3 Associate.  This year is off to a good start as we welcome Rio Tinto as our newest Regular Member company, and HDR and Kennedy Jenks as our two newest Associate Member companies. <div class="ms-editor-squiggler" style="color: initial; font: initial; font-feature-settings: initial; font-kerning: initial; font-optical-sizing: initial; font-variation-settings: initial; text-orientation: initial; text-rendering: initial; -webkit-font-smoothing: initial; -webkit-locale: initial; -webkit-text-orientation: initial; -webkit-writing-mode: initial; writing-mode: initial; zoom: initial; place-content: initial; place-items: initial; place-self: initial; alignment-baseline: initial; animation: initial; appearance: initial; aspect-ratio: initial; backdrop-filter: initial; backface-visibility: initial; background: initial; background-blend-mode: initial; baseline-shift: initial; 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Environment Related Resources

  • June 1, 2013

    As Hurricane Season Begins: Reminders to Minimize and Report Releases

    Unlike some other natural disasters, the onset of a hurricane can allow early preparations to minimize its effect on a facility. Owners/operators typically take prudent preventive action by safely shutting down processes, or otherwise operate under emergency operations procedures, before hurricane force winds and associated stormsurge flooding can damage facilities and cause uncontrolled releases of hazardous chemicals.

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