

The chemistry industry in New Jersey has shown remarkable progress in managing and reducing waste, as highlighted by the latest 2021 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) National Analysis report released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) earlier this month. The report shows a significant decrease in environmental releases of chemicals from facilities covered by the program, and a notable increase in waste management and recycling by member facilities

CCNJ members are continuously identifying source reduction opportunities to minimize waste and its impact on the environment. Our members create the science to produce the products that improve and sustain our quality life.  Our members are committed to reducing their environmental impact, while supporting a robust New Jersey economy.

Environment Related Position Papers

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  • November 21, 2016


    On behalf of our members, the Chemistry Council of New Jersey (CCNJ) and Site Remediation Industry Network (SRIN) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to the Drinking Water Quality Institute (DWQI) pursuant to the Institute’s request for public input regarding the recently released subcommittee reports on Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA).

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  • February 9, 2016


    On behalf of the members of the Chemistry Council of New Jersey (CCNJ) and the Site Remediation Industry Network (SRIN), we appreciate the opportunity to provide comments to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) on the “Planning for and Response to Catastrophic Events at Contaminated Sites” (Catastrophic Events) Technical Guidance Document. 

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Environment Related Chemunique Posts

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  • August 17, 2020

    NJDEP’s New Health RSW for Air Permit Applications

    On July 1, 2020, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) released a new version of the Risk Screening Worksheet (RSW).

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  • August 17, 2020

    Update: CCNJ/SRIN Effort on NJDEP Remediation Standards Rule Proposal

    On August 4, 2020, CCNJ and the Site Remediation Industry Network (SRIN) submitted comments on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)’s Remediation Standards Rule Proposal, which was published in the April 6, 2020 New Jersey Register.

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  • June 30, 2020

    Michael Heltzer of BASF Corporation Elected Chairperson of the Board

    At the June 19, 2020 meeting of the Chemistry Council of New Jersey’s Board of Directors, Michael Heltzer, head of State Government Affairs for BASF Corporation, was elected chairperson, succeeding Leslie Waller, director of Chemistry, Energy & Environmental Industry, Americas for Messer Americas, who completed her term as chairperson, and will now serve as immediate past chairperson.

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  • June 30, 2020

    Senate Environment and Energy Committee Chairman Bob Smith Introduces Recycled Content Bill

    The New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Committee Chairman Bob Smith recently introduced Senate Bill 2515, which establishes recycled content requirements for plastic containers, glass containers, paper carryout bags, reusable carryout bags made of plastic film, and plastic trash bags; prohibits sale of polystyrene loose fill packaging.

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  • June 30, 2020

    CCNJ Launches Virtual Events: Government Affairs Edition & Webinars

    CCNJ, like many associations, has had to reimagine how it keeps members updated and informed regarding state and industry issues during these challenging times.  With most in-person events still prohibited, and with companies placing travel restrictions on employees, CCNJ decided to launch CCNJ Virtual Events. 

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  • June 30, 2020

    NJDEP Publishes Adopted PFOA/PFOS Rules in New Jersey Register

    The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) adopted amendments to various rules focused on Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) on March 31, 2020 and published these rule adoptions in the New Jersey Register on June 1, 2020.

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  • May 29, 2020

    Since January, the Chemistry Council of New Jersey has Welcomed Six New Member Companies: 4 Regular and 2 Associate

    CCNJ continues to make a concerted effort to identify and recruit new members in what is a dwindling industry landscape in New Jersey.

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  • May 29, 2020

    NJDEP Regulatory Issues During COVID-19 Pandemic

    On May 18, 2020, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP, Department) hosted a virtual meeting with CCNJ Regular and Site Remediation Industry Network (SRIN) members to discuss the actions taken by the NJDEP to address regulatory issues during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • April 30, 2020

    CCNJ Submits Preliminary Comments On OHSP Title 13 Public Access

    In mid-April, CCNJ submitted preliminary comments on the draft proposed Title 13 Public Access regulations presented by the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (OHSP) at the March 30, 2020 stakeholder meeting via Webinar.  OHSP must adopt rules “to designate facilities that, for homeland security reasons, require exclusion of the public from the tidal waters or adjacent shorelines located at those facilities”, as mandated by the Legislature in May 2019.

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  • March 31, 2020

    DEP Seeks Input From Stakeholders On NJPACT HFC Reporting Rulemaking

    As a follow-up to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Monitoring and Reporting Rules stakeholder meeting held by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) on February 21, 2020, a virtual meeting specifically focused on hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) reporting was held on March 26, 2020.

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  • Displaying results 151-160 (of 238)
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Environment Related Resources

  • June 1, 2013

    As Hurricane Season Begins: Reminders to Minimize and Report Releases

    Unlike some other natural disasters, the onset of a hurricane can allow early preparations to minimize its effect on a facility. Owners/operators typically take prudent preventive action by safely shutting down processes, or otherwise operate under emergency operations procedures, before hurricane force winds and associated stormsurge flooding can damage facilities and cause uncontrolled releases of hazardous chemicals.

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